Why Church Planter’s Wife?
So why is my blog called Church Planter’s Wife? Why not something that speaks of my autonomy as a woman? Something that stands alone? “Amanda, you are trained and function as a pastor too, you are a church planter too (as all families are when they plant a church). I mean this is the 21st century…” These may all be thoughts that come into your head. But I ask, “Why not Church Planter’s Wife?” It speaks to almost every facet of my life. First and foremost, I am a Christian woman, I am in the church. I am married—married to a church planter. And even though I too am a church planter, the weight that falls on me is to a lesser extent than that of my husband. As a wife, I am also a mother—a mother of four crazy active preacher’s kids. I am also a homeschool mom. So why not Church Planter’s Wife? I am intrinsically tied to each of these things, so why put them in the title of my blog?
How did you come to start Church Planter’s Wife? Why?
A few years ago—when we started our church planting journey—I felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness and need for community. I longed for it. We moved to a new community in a new state, I was pregnant, and working from home. I longed for community. And I am sure that at some point in your life you have felt this deep need for community too. We were created to be in relationship with one another, but sometimes life circumstances prevent us from having that community that we were created for. I felt God’s call to start a blog so that other church planting families, pastor’s families, wives, and mothers would all have a place to experience the community we were created for.
Instead of starting the blog, I dragged my feet. I didn’t know anything about starting a blog. I still know very little. Did I want my life on display? I mean I have shunned social media—with the exception of Pinterest—for many years. Who would host my blog? I have zero experience in web design or computers. How would I overcome these obstacles? Eventually all of these questions quieted themselves, left unanswered but not bothered by them, I moved on in life.
I ignored this call until the end of 2018, when I felt that gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit again. “Write your blog. Start…” Then I did some research, and many bloggers start out with little experience in this arena. Many people find community that they need online. My husband has even been able to do ministry via social media. I mean we did find our worship leader through Craigslist…(another story for another time). Maybe this is just a way to put my thoughts in writing in hopes that it might help someone-or at least entertain them. I don’t know what will come of this, but I do know that I am being obedient to the Lord. I am doing something that is stretching me. I am doing something that I enjoy. So here it is world, Church Planter’s Wife….