Welcome To CPW
Hi! My name is Amanda Beverly. I am the wife of a church planter, following God’s call in a rural suburb in Southeast Louisiana. This blog is a place where I get to share my story. It’s a place to connect with other moms, wives, pastors, pastors’ wives, and church planting families. Here, I tackle real issues within the church and the world. And, help to build a community that makes world and life in ministry more connected.
Amanda earned a Master of Divinity from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. She also has a B.A. in Communication and Religious Studies from the University of Dubuque. Amanda has served as campus pastor, InterVarsity volunteer, youth minister, international minister, and pastor’s wife. Currently, she is serving as a pastor alongside her husband Pastor Brian Beverly II, at Well of Life. Amanda leads Remain, held each fall. And, she serves as an adjunct instructor for the theology department at a private liberal arts university. All the while, Amanda homeschools her and her husband’s four children.