My Story
My name is Amanda Beverly and this is the story of my family. We were called to Louisiana by God in 2015 by way of Dubuque, IA where my husband and I attended seminary. We both received our M. Div. degrees before coming to Louisiana. We came to Louisiana with our two oldest children and have since had two more. God called us here to plant a church, Well of Life. This has been an exciting endeavor. My husband is the lead pastor at Well of Life, but that has left me to figure out my roll in this call. Am I a pastor’s wife? A wife? Mother? Homeschool mom? Adjunct Professor? I was trained in theology–would I use this training at this time in my life and how? It has taken a while to figure out the answer, and I am still finding who I am and who God has called me to be. But I will say this—I fill all of these calls and more. And I would suspect that you take on multiple rolls in your life as well! This is my story…