Childlike Faith: Gum and All
“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”” Matthew 19:14 NIV
I took my 4 year old to Walmart today. This was a special time because she got much needed alone time with me, and we went with the intention of spending a little bit of birthday money that she received. She already knew before we left the house what she wanted to purchase. She is very decisive.
As soon as we walk into Walmart she sees the little rides that you can pay $.50 to ride among the bubble gum and toy dispensers. She of course asks to ride. Usually I say, “No.” But today was special, and I told her when we leave if we have quarters then you can ride.
We shopped for a while, grabbed some groceries, picked out her birthday items and got a little extra (the joy of after Christmas sales). After checking out she promptly asked about the ride—she does not forget anything!
We had 2 quarters and I told her she could ride the ride or pick a candy or toy from a machine. She really loves sweets, so passing up candy was a really hard choice, but she is decisive and she had wanted to ride the bus since she walked in the door, so the bus it was.
She sat down, paid her money, and enjoyed her 60 seconds of bliss, the kind that screams, “I am four!”
Afterwards, she asked to get a treat from one of the machines. I explained that she chose the bus, and that she didn’t have the quarters to buy a treat or toy now.
So what does she proceed to do? What any child would do, something you and I probably did many times as a child—she started checking the machines for candy and goodies. I told her there probably aren’t any in them. And she said, “Sometimes there is some left.” And I suppose that is true. I tried to get her to leave the machines alone, but she kept checking. She checked every single one. She didn’t find anything, but she believed she would. Probably because she had a past experience where she had found a stray Mike-n-ike or M&M.
Because of faith like this, we are called to become like little children, they have an innocence, trust, and belief that as adults is hard for us to muster. And this four year old had faith that she was going to find candy with or without money to buy some. Talk about faith like a child.
“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:2-4 NIV
You see, this whole church planting journey I have had questions. I have wondered where provision would come from (I knew the Lord, but where specifically). I have wondered if the Lord’s grace would sustain us. I have wanted to know details, plans, dates, and times. I have had questions, many questions. But, my children, they have been along for the ride: the ups and downs, the ins and outs. And they have never questioned whether they would be taken care of. They just know it will happen.
Dear Church Planter’s Wife,
Have faith like a child. Have full confidence in the fact that your Father in Heaven is taking care of you. You don’t have to wonder if God’s grace is enough. You don’t have to wonder where provision will come from. Trust in the Lord and you will be sustained.