Are You Living the Dream?
The Dream…
I had a dream the other night. In this dream our family was at someone’s house for a birthday party. We knew the people hosting the party-they were familiar to us in the dream, but they were not people that we know in real life. My husband and I were chatting to the couple about seminary and our call to ministry, all to find out towards the end of the conversation that this husband had also attended seminary and felt called to ministry, possibly even church planting. When we asked, “Why aren’t you pastoring a church? Why haven’t you followed the call to plant?” Their answer was very simple: “It is too unstable.”
The lack of perceived stability and security was keeping this couple from ministry. And this answer came from both the husband and wife, but you could tell it resonated even more deeply with the wife. You see, this couple had children. They had a family and a house. Their careers were seemingly successful. They had what the world perceived as stability. They were living the American dream, or so they thought. But were they really living in stability?
Unpredictable Doesn’t Mean Lack of Stability.
As much as church planting life can be unpredictable, it is stable. We have always been able to count on the Lord to come through for us, for our family, and for our church. God has always provided. God has always made a way for us. He has taken care of our every need. We are emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually better off-more stable- than we could ever be if we did not follow God’s call.
You see, by avoiding the call God has for your life, you are putting unnecessary stress on yourself. You may be able to put the call out of your mind for a while, days, months, or even years. But then you will circle around to it. That still, small voice will remind you of the plans the Lord has for you. It is inescapable.
Where Are You?
Maybe you are in ministry, right now as a couple. And, you might be comfortable at the church you are ministering. But, the Lord might be calling you to the next level. Are you willing to accept those changes? Are you willing to accept the unknown?
Maybe you haven’t yet jumped into ministry. Maybe you and your spouse have sensed the call to go and get trained for ministry, at seminary, Bible college, or the like. Are you hesitant to enter into a full time school lifestyle? Giving up your income and security? Possibly moving cross country to do so? Leaving friends and family to follow God’s call?
Maybe you are expectantly waiting for the Lord to lead you to the next step within your current context of ministry. Will you be wiling to make the changes necessary when the Lord reveals them to you? Maybe it means more time in prayer and study. Less time with the TV. Maybe it means sanctification (shudder), giving up the things of the world for the things of the Lord. Often we want someone else’s ministry or call, but we don’t want to have the commitment to the Lord that they have had to get where they are.
Where Do You Place Your Trust?
If you are like me, you like routine in your day to day life. (I’ll admit, I like an adventure as much as the next person, but don’t move my toothbrush!). You enjoy having stability in your career. You like being in control, and you like knowing what is next. But sometimes, sometimes, the Lord leads us to places that are unimaginable. Sometimes they are places that defy the natural world’s expectations, motivations, and ideas of success and stability. And sometimes we have to listen to the Lord telling us to “let go” and let Him be in control in order to get there.
When you hear God’s call to the unexpected, to something that might stretch you and your family a bit, what do you do? Do you prayerfully pursue it? Or do you run back to what currently gives you “stability” and “comfort”.
You see, our trust should be in the Lord alone (Ps. 62). He is our firm foundation (Matt. 7:24-27). Christ is the cornerstone (Eph 2:20). With the Lord our three stranded cord is not easily broken (Ecc. 4:12). It isn’t money, it isn’t a career, it isn’t our children, our house, nor our car. Our stability is in the Lord.
Some of us have been trusting in the wrong things. We have been looking to the hills, when we should have been looking to the heavens, to the throne room where the Lord is seated high and lifted up (Ps. 121).
The Pursuit of the Lord
So my questions becomes this: What are you doing to pursue God? What are you doing to pursue God’s call on your life, your spouse’s life, your families life? Are you pushing your spouse to greatness? Helping them to pursue God’s call on their life? Praying for your spouse daily? Are you willing to give up the things that you find comfort, stability, and control, in order to pursue the things of God? Are you listening for the Holy Spirit’s guidance?
If you answered “No” to any of these questions, now is a great time to repent, to both God and to your spouse. This isn’t a simple “I’m sorry.” Although that is a great place to start. This is about having a change of heart, mind, and action. It might be a struggle at first, but it will get easier.
If you have been doing these things, then I encourage you to prayerfully continue on the path that the Lord is leading you and your spouse, your family. Let the Holy Spirit continue to lead you. Continue to seek the Lord daily. Ask God to reveal the next step of His plan for your life. Trust in Him and His plan for your life.